Saturday, March 17, 2012 @ 1:16 AM

Some days I am a writer
and these are my stories to be told
And yet I am a poet
and these are the words of my soul

Sometimes I am a fighter
and I fight my battles in kind
And then I am a psycho
And these are the ramblings of an insane mind

Today I am a lover
and I love everything there is left to love
Tomorrow I am a procrastinator
but I do things when push comes to shove

By day I am thinker
I want to think everything that is thought
By night I am an artist
and I paint the battles I fought

Then again I am just human
with feelings and compassion and dreams
Sometimes I'm pessimistic
Finding realism in a world of dreams.


Thursday, March 15, 2012 @ 3:45 PM

At one point in our lives, we all go insane. Insanity rules the passion that fires our souls. We feel the wickedness and pain creep into our thoughts like a backward glance. Hollow are our feelings and self-esteem. What once made up our character and spirit, drops lifeless into the racing street of traffic to be flattened like all our once sane, haggard beliefs. We feel like spinning until the world focuses its thoughts and clear its mind. We seep deeper and deeper into our own personal hell, and stumble farther down the tormenting path of life.

We have no control. Speaking unspeakable thoughts, writing undeniable rage. Our souls light a blaze with anger and confusion. The walls are closing in and the sky is tumbling down, there's no where to run. We must face the future.

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